IOS vs. Android Operating Systems

June 15, 2021

IOS vs. Android Operating Systems

Are you confused about which operating system to choose between IOS and Android for your next device? You are not alone. With both systems offering a wide range of features, it can be challenging to know which one will be best for you. In this blog post, we will compare and contrast IOS and Android on various parameters so that you can make an informed decision.

Market share

Currently, Android has the lion share in the global smartphone industry with a 72.2% market share. In contrast, IOS has a market share of 26.91%. This difference in market share can be attributed to the fact that Androids are available in many price ranges, making them accessible to a broader audience, while IOS devices are relatively expensive.


Both IOS and Android have millions of apps to choose from. IOS has approximately 1.96 million apps on its app store, while Android has an estimated 2.87 million apps. However, IOS apps generally have better user ratings than Android apps. Furthermore, IOS apps are generally launched before Android apps.


When it comes to customization, Androids OS is more flexible than IOS. Android users can customize their home screen, install third-party apps, and add widgets. Meanwhile, iOS users have access to many customization options, but Apple provides minimal changes besides adding new widgets and changing the wallpaper.


Security is an essential factor to consider while choosing a new device. IOS is considered the most secure operating system, thanks to Apple's closed ecosystem. Apple is known for its strict guidelines for developers to maintain their security protocols. On the other hand, the open-source nature of Android has led to more security vulnerabilities than IOS.


Integration fuels productivity, and both IOS and Android offer integration with other devices. However, IOS devices have better integration with other Apple products like iPads and Macs, making it the go-to choice for Apple enthusiasts. Android, on the other hand, has better integration with Google services.

Battery life

Battery life is a vital factor in a device's usability, and Android devices are known for their long battery life. Android devices have larger batteries, and the operating system is optimized to consume less power. IOS devices have smaller batteries but are optimized to get the most out of the battery.


In conclusion, both IOS and Android have their own advantages and limitations. While Android offers a broader choice of devices and better customization options, IOS is more secure and offers better integration with other Apple products. Ultimately, the choice between IOS and Android depends on what you need to use the device for.


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